what's the acupressure mat ?
Acupressure mat is based on the principle of Chinese traditional acupuncture , made of hundreds of acupressure nail which are regularly arranged on a mat, each nail is made of dozens of acupressure points, so the whole mat has thousands of acupressure points.It is easy to stimulate body’s each acupuncture channel so as to have a good effect when people lie on the mat.
How to use?
You can use on the head,neck,back,hip,flying on the mat, or you can massage the bottom of foot ,10-40 minutes is more better.If you first time using acupressure mat, we recommend a 15 minutes to start.
What's the function?
1. Reduce pain in back,neck ,shoulders, hips and joints.
2. Improved conditions of liver,kidney,and spleen,
3. Improved circulation
4. Increased energy levels
5. Deep sense of relaxation
6. Decreased muscular tension
7. Increased levels of endorphin
8. Increased uptake of exygen
9. Improved sleep
10. Improved Digestion
11. A positive mental outlook